Archive for the ‘Stuff I’ve learned’ Category

Pinoy Memories

Friday, April 15th, 2011

Tomorrow marks the 17th year
since I left the Philippines.

And as I think about all those years,
I started having an avalanche of memories
from when I used to live there.

Allow me to write them down
in no particular order,
as they flow through my own personal memory lane.

It’s quite a long read, so maybe you should think twice about it.


Music is Life.

Monday, March 14th, 2011

One of the things I find hard to explain (mostly to myself),
is the definition of Music.

How can I define something so vastly unique?
Something that is different for every person.
Something that has to be experienced
to fully grasp its meaning.


Lesson For Today

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

God does answer each and every prayer.
It’s true.

Even if the answer is “NO.”

But that’s where the problem lies, doesn’t it?
We do not like the answer He gives us sometimes.
We always tend to believe that He never listens to us.
We always tend to put the blame on Him.

But we’re only human.
We always turn a deaf ear to “The Answer.”
If “The Answer” did not comply with what we want Him to say.

But you know, that response from Him will always prevail.
He will do everything within your grasp to make you hear Him.
Even if He has to break your heart.

And then, and only then,
You will realize that He has been answering your prayers all that time.

He may have said “NO.”
But He also knows when your time will come.
Then you’ll get the “YES” you’ve always wanted.

Trust me.
I am a living proof.

Quote of the day

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

“Not only do you know that your heart is breaking,
You can actually hear it shatter into a million pieces.”

Quote of the day

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

“Love can only be repaid with Love.”

Do not have the nerve to ask for it,
if you do not have any to give.

Yeah that one is from me.

Okay, maybe I got the idea from the Beatles.
And maybe from 3 million other songs out there.
But that’s not important right now.

MLK Today

Monday, January 17th, 2011

Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.

[Martin Luther King, Jr.]

Gun Control

Monday, January 10th, 2011

-A moment of Silence for the Tragedy in Tucson, Arizona

Eternal rest, Grant unto them O’ Lord,
And let your Perpetual Light shine upon them.

Most of you know,
That I live in the Southern part of The United States,
and I can assure you, people here are very hospitable.
With their great Sense of Humor and
their laid back sense of lifestyle.

There are only three things they take very seriously down here.
Their three “F”s.

1. Football,
2. Fishing,
3. And Firearms

Another Year Over

Friday, December 31st, 2010

A new one will begin tomorrow.
It’s time for a do over.
2010 sure has its ups and downs.

You just have to cherish the ups,
and you just have to learn from the downs.

And every time you pick yourself up,
you move on.

That’s one of the things I have learned this year.

No matter how empty and helpless you may be,
No matter how much disappointed and frustrated you are,
you move on.

Thank you all so much
for regularly checking my site out from time to time.
I wish you all the best this New Year!

Cold Chocolates

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

Have you guys seen the movie Ratatouille?
That part where the Food Critic finally tasted the dish
and it suddenly brought him back to a childhood memory?

Let me just share something with you.

Today’s Quote

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

“Forgiveness is based purely on Love.
Not because you love the other person,
But because you love yourself enough
that you do not want to be hurting anymore.
And then you move on.”

Yeah, that one is from me.
It’s my epiphany for today.

Greetings! Welcome to my little corner on the net. This is just a simple collage of my life, music, thoughts, inspirations and whatever pops in my head. So whatever I do, write, say or think, hopefully will not be of any offense. Please proceed with caution.

The views expressed here does not reflect the views of my web host, my place of work, my ethnicity nor my religion.
Please read the full disclaimer before you proceed.

Now that that's out of the way.
On with the show.

Other Dens
On This Day
  • Nothing has ever happened on this day. Ever.