So, where were we?
Man! Lots of stuff to catch up on, eh?

Oh, yeah!
It’s my Birthday today and I took this picture from a Calendar at work earlier this week while heating up my lunch.

I didn’t draw any picture but I did play the Happy Birthday song on my Guitar.

Sometimes you got to sing your self a song.
From yourself. For yourself.

Hey! Who else is going to cheer you up when things are confusing and bleak.

Anyway, I thought I’d revive this website (Again).
I might as well since I’m paying for it and it was just sitting here collecting dust.

I thought I’d start today since it’s a new Life Year for me.
Another trip around the Sun. 
Another attempt to make the most out of what the World gave you.

So, where were we again?

Well, I suppose we better get to know each other once more
and like I said,  I figured I’ll go back and restart this site.

But what’s gonna be different?

I don’t know. We’ll see.
Maybe it’ll be good. Maybe it’ll be boring.

Who knows? As long as I am active on it, right?
Maybe add more music?
Maybe add more observations.
More topics.


So, Welcome to  2.0?, 2.01?, 3.0? 4….. Ugh! 
“The return of his comeback!”

(Insert faceplant pic here.)