You know it’s great when your friends share their knowledge with you.
Friendly advice, voice their opinions
or just share their experiences.

I also like it when they forward wisdom emails.
You know what I mean?

Those forwarded emails that have traveled the world multiple times.
Those forwarded mails with a moral lesson at the end.
Those emails that you never read because they were too long, and doesn’t even have any pictures.
Those emails that wants you to forward it to all the people on your address book
because, well, because we are stupid
and we like to spread viruses. Not to mention Spam.

So anyway,
A good friend of mine sent me this email.

Let’s call this friend Chi-chi,
(well, because she is my friend, and that’s really her name)

She sent me this excellent words-of-wisdom-email,
But she was smart.
She knew I wasn’t gonna read long useless emails.
So she just picked the ones that she thinks are the best.
And here they are:


I’ve learned…..
that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
I’ve learned…..
that being kind is important than being right.
I’ve learned…..
that it’s those small daily happenings that makes life so spectacular.
I’ve learned…..
that having a child fall asleep in your arm is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
I’ve learned…..
that money doesn’t buy class.

Wasn’t that nice?

So, as a friend,
I shared to her what I have learned and a very important one at that.

I’ve learned not to take “laxatives” and “sleeping pills” at the same time.

Lesson learned.

Okay enough of this “crap”.
Here are some cool links to “waste” some time.

Seacrest Out!
(God, that was gay!)

Just a big fan of this show –> Family Guy Quotes
Witness what people type on search engines in real time –> Metacrawler
One of my favorite Atari Games –> Kaboom
This test says I am “moderately annoying” –>
One of the coolest Flash animations I have seen –> We Will Rock You
Redneck Rules of Etiquette –> Redneckrules
I hate dead webpages –> Cannot Find Server