One weird thing about having your birthday fall on Valentines,
is that, even though it’s your birthday,
you still have to give somebody something.

Can you actually call this day your own,
if you still have to put a lot of thought to make someone else happy?
Not to mention all the planning, stress, effort
and the pressure of getting the right gift?

Since it’s your birthday,
and you know you will receive a gift, or something,
wouldn’t it just even out,
since you too have to give someone a gift?

This has been my predicament,
with all my past relationships.
Never has been this day, completely mine.

So, let me tell you something about my wife.
She realized this dilemma I am in,
very early on in our relationship.

She made me promise to her,
that come Valentines Day,
we will treat this as my day.
My Birthday.

I will not do anything,
I will not worry about anything,
I just have to spend this day as my own.
My day.

And she will treat me as such.

I did promise her,
that I will not get her anything,
and just enjoy my birthday.

But I always cheat.

I always end up giving her something,
or any simple surprises that I could think of,
come Valentines Day.

But as of late,
since I don’t work,
and with only one car,
it’s quite hard for me to surprise her with anything.

And she will know if I purchased anything for her anyways,
for she manages our finances.
And she knows where I am, or where I was
at any given time of day.

Last year, I spent my birthday in Canada without her,
to finish some paperwork,
so that doesn’t count.

So today,
I fulfilled my promise.
I treated this day as mine.

And she did what she always does.
My Queen made her man realize,
that even though she is the breadwinner,
she made sure that I am still the King of her castle.
Like always.

And you know what?
It actually felt very good.

But at the end of the day,
I realized something.

As we watched whatever was on TV,
snuggling on the couch,
listening to Tyler’s snores,
I realized,
that even though it’s my birthday,
she does not deserve to have no Valentines.

She is my wife,
but today, she was also my date.
She also deserves to have something.

But what am I going to do?
The day is ending,
And even though I am also the king of “last minute -11th hour- cramming things“,
I couldn’t possibly come up with something this late.

So, what’s a guy to do?

Well, I guess at the last minute,
you just have to give the one you love,
with what you already have.

You look straight into their eyes,
And say,

“Honey, thank you for making my day very special.
I really enjoyed every moment with you.
I love you very much.”

And you know what?
It works!

I guess, technically, I still gave her something.
One lovely smile.
Which I know made her day too.

And she deserved it.
She was after all,
My Valentine.

My God!
I am the “Cheesiest Man” on this planet!
Hah! No matter!
At least the sex was AWESOME!!!