I guess everyone must have heard about the coup attempt in the Philippines,
to take down the current government.

The reason behind all of this?
They are sending out a message to the people about the massive corruption in the said government.

Now that’s great and all, and I too believe in their cause.

But everybody already knows that.
Not a single Filipino doesn’t know about the corruption, the sleaze and the dishonesty.
With the power of the Filipino tongue for gossip? Who wouldn’t hear about it?

The problem is, nobody has hard evidence.

What they should have done (or tried to do), was
Gather some proof, not just stories or whatever they have heard.
Then once they have some evidence and confirmation of it,
gather some higher authorities who they think can or will be able to do something.
If that was not successful, then by all means,
that is even more hard evidence to support their cause.

Taking over a Hotel, a Mall and having people as hostage would not solve anything.
These are military men.
They are supposed to be educated, and know that violence is not their priority.

Then they all surrendered Sunday,
which they could have just waited one more day so that everyone gets a day off Monday.
I know my friends back home would have loved that (and them for that matter).

Then something good and relevant would have come out from all of this mess.