Happy Labor Day to all!

Now what is this Labor Day? Or as they say it in Canada, Labour Day.
What is this holiday and why do we celebrate it?

I would like to think that it’s a day for Women in Labor.
Not that I like seeing women going through the pains of childbirth,
but because, everywhere I look, I see pregnant women everywhere.
It’s like the freakin’ baby boom generation all over again.

But no. It’s not that.
Labor day actually started in Canada.
A day spent celebrating the labor worker’s organizations.

That is a beautiful thing.
We recognize the rights and liberties of the common worker.

Now what does that mean for all of us?
Now listen to me, because this is important:

The Labor Day movement,
Signifies the fact
that at your place of work,
you can never be fired.
They can’t just lay you off neither.

Because Slaves have to be SOLD!

You see?
You see how much you learn here on this site?

Here at denofmusic.com
We may not be the best site out there,
But by gosh, we really like to think so.