• It's amazing how important some people think they are. Is it because they get the best of everything? #ihatethem #
  • Sleeping in on a weekend is a myth. #
  • I just spent a good hour just watching @ItsSandraBae play guitar like a boss! Her version of Queen's "Don't Stop Me now" just blew my mind! #
  • Check this video out — Queen – Don't Stop Me Now (guitar) – @ItsSandraBaehttp://t.co/NpD0gbYc via @youtube #
  • “@ItsSandraBae: @denofmusic thanks for sharing! :-)”

    // Great Job! Keep on playing. I'm a fan now. : ) #

  • #IForgiveYou
    I love you.
    You are mine.
    Take my hand.
    Go in peace.
    Sin no more.
    Beloved one. #
  • The notes she plays are not on my guitar. Amazing!- Pachelbel's Canon (guitar) – @ItsSandraBae http://t.co/J3Cfn3pU via @youtube #
  • The skies couldn't be more blue this morning. http://t.co/OzgrJWZ7 #
  • Nope. The 4S didn't help @AT&T 's reception in my house. I refuse to pay them for microcell. #attfail #
  • "Love is reason enough." #
  • Watch out. I'm cooking tapa.
    Para sa TapSiLog. Inform the fire marshalls just in case. #pinoyfoods #
  • "Anytime at all, all you gotta do is call and I'll be there." http://t.co/RzAV1G7a #
  • Did I miss the announcement when they declared that today is "Drive at half the speed limit day?" #
  • "You take it on faith, you take it to the heart,
    The waiting is the hardest part." – [Tom Petty] #NowPlaying #
  • “@brryyy: music makes me happy”

    // Amen, brother. #

  • Siri takes care of me. http://t.co/etTYCQsV #
  • I don't trust AT&T, Siri. Thanks. http://t.co/s5DlTeB2 #
  • That's not much of a help, Siri. http://t.co/euEnQ8e3 #
  • Ok, Siri. You win. http://t.co/B1ni1EZ7 #
  • Another day, another dollar.
    Taxes not included.
    Plus shipping and handling. #truth #
  • Just feeling the music flow through you is great no? “@IamLotusFausto: I want to sing!, want to feel the stage again..I want to perform!” #
  • I'll do it, sis. With matching tears. 🙂 “@gorgeouslynne: @denofmusic bro…i would love to hear you sing barry manilow songs…-) xoxo” #
  • Heard it's Premiere Neige in #Ottawa today! I wish I was home. : (
    I miss it a lot. #snow #
  • "All the time I was falling, you kept on stalling. Sizing up how big a fool I was."
    – @bluerodeo #nowplaying #
  • Dear Life, Thank you for all the good things.
    But I still think you suck on all the bad. #
  • I am thankful for the power of the "E" Chord.
    Maybe "A Minor" too. #
  • Also when I strike a note, I feel that note. #simplethings #
  • What the hell are these new cartoons kids are watching nowadays? I saw a part of this Adventure Time and it's like you're on freakin' acid! #
  • I am going to occupy the Hell out of this Thanksgiving Jack and Coke! #easyonthecoke #justforcolor #
  • That 4 hour nap is my morphine. #itnumbsthefuckaway #