I just saw that new iPod commercial with U2.
Something “Vertigo”, I think.

What is it with musicians and bands “selling out”?

First I saw Metallica having a reality special.
(Ozzy doesn’t count.
No one understands what he says on that show anyway.)

I saw Bon Jovi in a battery advertisement,
then I saw Bob Dylan in a Victoria Secret commercial.
What’s next?
Bruce Springsteen endorsing Kotex or Tampax?

This is why I love progressive bands and guitar virtuosos.
For them it’s still all about the “music”.

It’s just sad that nowadays,
it’s all about image and money.
It’s not about the music anymore.

Has anyone watched MTV lately?
They don’t show Music Videos anymore.
The only time they show those videos is at 3 or 4 in the morning!
It’s mostly Nick and Jessica marathons.

Just like sports.
Sports is a business nowadays.
NHL is in lockout, NBA players want more money,
and half the NFL players have a police record.
It’s not sports anymore.
It’s sports mixed with politics or the judicial system.


Sad. Very sad.

It’s a good thing I quit showbiz,
gave up on being a professional athlete,
and refused to be a rock star.

(Hey, I can dream, can’t I?)