Still in shock.
Two planes crashed into the World Trade Centre twin towers,
one into the Pentagon, and one just outside Pittsburgh, PA.

What can you do?
What do you say?
Can you just imagine the height of anger and grief?
How could someone have the audacity to do this to humankind?

Before I say what’s on my mind,
please say a prayer for the innocent victims and their loved ones.

“Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them”

Now. My turn.
Telephone ringing.
I wake up …. My brother yelling,

“Are you watching the news!?”

I mumbled, “I am not! You just woke me up! “

He said….
“Hurry! Terrorism in New York!!”

I turned my TV on.
And the World Trade Center’s sister building is missing.
Freakin’ smoke surrounding the tower!.
What the fuck is going on??

Then it happened..

I saw the other tower collapse. I am witnessing death as it happens.
Thousands of lives trapped.
So much anger. So much pain.

I know as of this time” (7:04 PM), there is still no word on who the fucker is.
The news media is trying to be “Politically Correct”, making sure no one would be offended.

I don’t care!! Whoever you are or whoever is involved….
What are you trying to prove you Motherfucker !!!???
First of all, You better take a fuckin’ shower because you stink!!!
And second of all, enough with this bullshit terrorizing and killing people.
You and me buddy…. hand to hand, old fashioned fist fight!!
I am going to fucking kick your ass!!

WAIT!! make sure you shower first because I won’t be able to stand your stench! Your whole being stink like the fucker you are!
Your soul reeks of shit, pus and worthlessness.
I am fucking shaking just writing this down!

All you hear is the word “horrible attacks”, “cowards” and “how vulnerable we are”.
It’s time for someone to stand up and say,

“We know who the bastard was….and we will beat the shit out of them!”
“We will skin them alive, pour A1 sauce on them and feed them to New York rats and cockroaches!”

Anyways …
Wherever you are, whoever you are.
I hope you are fucking happy, because once BUSH gets a hold of your cowardly ass,
He will stab your pecker hole with his Texas bayonet!

I hope your children, and your children’s children
will feel what you have contributed to this world.

And lastly, You know what I am going to do?..
After I offer my prayers,
I will go and get me some McDonalds’ Big Mac Burger meat!
Super Size!!
and I will just enjoy “FREEDOM”.

Something we know you don’t have.

Fucking Coward!