• Word of the day-
    INTAXICATION: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. #
  • Honestly, "April Fools Day" should only last for half a day. Because anything I read after the morning is just ridiculous and not funny. #
  • Ottawa has been named "Best Place To Live" in Canada, 6 yrs in a row.

    Coz I moved away 7 yrs ago. #noluck #

  • There is just no way my fingers and my brain can sync like this.
    http://youtu.be/OzuNnVepOsk #
  • If you need food catering services and you live in the vicinity of Metro Manila, check out @kubyertosfood. #foodtweets #catering #parties #
  • .@kubyertosfood is a catering business run by my best friend Darwin and his lovely wife, Bel. Check them out at http://www.kubyertos.net #
  • I am parked under this tree, and this bird just keeps on singing. #musicisallaround #wearebothtweeting http://t.co/26Hzw1b #
  • Your head's so full of thought, you can't use your imagination. Just like the sky's so full of stars, you can't find a constellation. – SR71 #