So, here’s another Friday Five.

1. How many hours a day/night do you usually sleep?

I think I get about 5.
But, According to the sleep study I went through,
apparently, I wake up about 30 times in an hour.
That’s like every 2 minutes. Right? Is it?
I don’t know. I don’t feel like doing Math.
That’ll bore me to sleep.

2. What do you do when you can’t sleep?

I just stare at the wall all night and cry.
Come to think of it, I should do Math.

3. How often do you devote time to just thinking about something?

Are you kidding me? I live in the world of Overthinking.
Seriously. I bought Real Estate and everything.

4. If you had to choose one person to never talk to again, who would you choose?

Anyone who has done me or my loved ones wrong.
Listen. Do not believe in that forgive and forget shit.
Always choose their disappearance from your life rather than being disrespected.
Trust me on this.
I did the Math.

5. If you had to choose one person, NOT your significant other, who you would speak to every day for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

That would be my son.
No one has made me laugh as hard as that kid did.
I am very proud of what he has become.