When I went to church for Ash Wednesday,
last uhhh “Wednesday,”

I never really paid attention to some of the practices and proceedings
that have changed over the years.

Or so I think.

As I sit amongst the people in the pews.
In silence. (ZzzZZzzz)

I begin noticing how different things are these days.

Par exemple.

When I was young,
we say the Lord’s Prayer as,
“As we forgive those who “sins” against us.”
Now we say
“As we forgive those who “tresspass” against us”.

When did that happen?

We used to say the “Apostles’ Creed,”
(Which I was forced to memorize back in Grade School)
And now everyone seems to know and recite the “Nicene Creed.”
(Which is about 300 words longer.)

When did that happen?

And at the Holy Communion part,
Everyone seems to eat their host (bread) and drink from the cup too.
In the old days, we were only allowed to have the bread.
And then we just have to tough it out, up until the mass ends for us to get a drink.

When did that happen?

And not too long ago,
During Ash Wednesday,
When the priest makes an imprint of the cross
on my forehead with ashes,
I used to lift and part the front of my hair,
so he can see my forehead.

Now there’s nothing to part.
Now (I don’t) I can’t .

Since when did that happen too?