Three more days before our Christmas Holidays!!
Oh My God! this is going to be the longest three days ever.

I woke up at 7:30 am today,
Alarm clock blasting like the bombs at Kandahar.
I open my eyes around 7:45, thinking “Is it Friday yet?”
Just totally unable to move, wondering what would happen if I would call in sick.
Nnaahhh!! too obvious.
I couldn’t think of any excuse.

Lord help me.
This will be a very long day.

I read this article in the news today, (okay I didn’t read it..but I read the title)
that some people complain about the celebration of Christmas.
This reporter said that
“Not everybody celebrates this holiday… and some find it offensive.
So it shouldn’t be celebrated as grand.”

or something like that.

Well, Here’s what I say to that.


I mean, I don’t celebrate Hannukkah,
but you don’t see me complaining that I don’t get gifts do you?
You don’t see me joining you on your Gay Pride Parade,
but you don’t see me bitchin’ about how you cause traffic out on the road.

What is up your freakin butt?
Geezz..some people huh?

You know, no matter how much you care and understand about others,
some people are just plain assholes.

Oh please …let the weekend come.