It never fails.
Every time I consider shutting down this site,
someone writes me and ask for a copy of a certain song I made.

I have actually thought of just ending this site
and redirect all traffic to my Twitter.
I am on there mostly anyways.

But then I get reminded of how much work I have invested on this site
and I just can’t shut it down.
It used to be a big hit with my family and friends
or other musicians who happen to have seen this too.
Not anymore.
To be honest, I forget I have this site at all.

I can’t even make music anymore.
I am not even too happy with the last ones I posted back in July.
I used to post songs at least once or twice a month in here.
Not anymore.
To be honest, I forget to include playing music in my daily routine.

This site is going on its 13th year
and its still up and running.
14 years or more, to be honest.
I bought the domain name a year or so after I started this whole thing.

Before the year ends,
let me just thank those who keeps checking this site.
Even though there’s really not much updates.
Thanks to my regulars who just want to know what’s going on.
Even for that one person in the Philippines who keeps searching my site for I don’t know what.
Your endless search just keeps adding traffic to this site.
Thank you.

Christmas is coming
and for those of you who know how I feel about this
special Holiday of Stress and Obligation,
I still don’t know whose Bells I have to Jingle
to get some Christmas Spirit around here.