As of today,
all registrations on the PHOTOS section of this site
will be subject for approval.


Spammers! That’s why!
These people have nothing better to do!
They just generate a whole bunch of useless traffic on the interwebnet!

As hard as I try to keep these pests away
and keep this site free from their glorious work,
some of them still squeeze through my super-duper-awesome-firewall guard.
(Okay. Maybe not “that” super.)

This latest one I caught,
came from Brazil,
(or not since they might be using a proxy)
left me with 104 comments on the Photos section about
a whole lot of unmentionable links.

It doesn’t bother me much, since I can clean it up.
It’s just time consuming and a pain in the boot-tocks!

Needless to say,
his IP and the IP range have been banned from this site.

Now I’ll go back and (check out) clean up more of those links
because ..uhhh…..

I don’t have anything better to do.