As of today,
I have added a feature for this site
to be compatible with mobile devices.

My traffic stats has shown that **6.92% of browsers
that access this site are from a mobile device.

So if you are mobile, and you’re trying to check my site,
you will automatically be directed to the new page.

I can only test this using an iPhone,
so if anyone is using a different device,
please inform me of how it looks.
I would greatly appreciate it.

More specifically, if you can access the music player.
Because currently, the iPhone does not support Flash.
And Flash is my current Music player of choice.

This mobile page feature is still under testing
so I apologize if it may be down from time to time.

Thank you.

**Do not be fooled with that statistic.
A good 5% of that is from my own phone

PPS – Well. Apparently, that plugin is only for the iPod touch.