I am sure you have heard that quote,
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

It is such a lovely cliche invented by optimists.
I have no problem with that.
People make use of what can help them cope up.
Cope up with life.

Life is both funny and cruel.

Life gives us “lemons.”
A metaphor for “whatever we are dealt.”
Something we have no control over.
It’s the given part of life.
You can not make lemons.

Everything else, is up to you.
The “Lemonade” part is what you can do.

But here lies the dilemma.

I can make lemonade.
I have no problem with that.
I can do that on my own.

The problem is,
Life did not give me any sugar.”

I cannot make sugar.
This lemonade turned out very, very sour.
Who drinks Sour Lemonade?

Thanks a lot, Life!
Thanks a lot.