That’s it.
I finished it today.

I read The Deathly Hallows.
I said goodbye to the world of Harry Potter.

A part of me never really wanted it to end,
that’s why it took me this long to finish it.
It’s an end of an era.
An end to the adventure.

I liked the way the whole series ended.
That was a good closure to it.

I am just a fan.
I take it as it is.

It’s just annoying sometimes,
when people make fun of me, because I like Harry Potter.

“You like Harry Potter, Ty?”
“That’s just sad for someone your age!”

Why yes I do.
I like Harry Potter.
It’s not just for kids.
The story is quite dark if you ask me.
It’s got great twists and plots.

Plus, I like to read.
It’s a good series of books.
Why am I defending myself?

Fucking Muggles!

And yes, I wore my Marauder’s Map shirt when I got the book.
I have a picture of it somewhere,
(I’ll post it here when I find it.)