Today we went to see the Doctor and heard your heartbeat for the second time.
I tell you, it really is music to my ears.

It has been 16 weeks now and the Doctor said
that we should be able to know your gender by our next meeting.
Once we know what it is, your Mother and I will be going crazy on buying your stuff.

She would like to have a “stars and moon” theme for your room.
Oh by the way, your Mom is a nature fanatic.
(and just like being one with nature..she sleeps all the time. Hahahhaa!)

We are also going crazy on what your name would be.
We have a long list of names to choose from.
I personally like the name “Stratocaster”, but your Mom, doesn’t think so.

But anyways,
Just keep doing what you’re doing there okay?
You still have a long way to go.
Oh and by the way,
your Mom is anxiously awaiting to feel you move.
So what do you say we give her one good kick
when she least expects it one of these days okay?
I can’t wait to see the look on her face.