New Postcards from Anne

My awesome friend, Anne from sent me another set of postcards
from wherever in the world she was in.

I have mentioned this many times before on all my social media handles,
but let me tell you how much this one means to me.

I have not been in a good place mentally lately.
And by “Lately” I mean a couple of years. (Maybe three or four)
Everything seems to be not going my way.

There has been a lot of disappointments, heartaches and hurt.

Music hasn’t helped.
Binge watching and binge eating hasn’t helped.
Even prayers didn’t help.

I have been so angry and furious at everything
that I seem to be numb and desensitized from any joy life can bring.

There is always something to mess you up,
no matter how much you work, strive, pray and hope.

But today was different.
When I got these cards in the mail, I got reminded of good friends.
Good friends who lift you up even when they’re thousands of miles away.
Friends who never forget you and truly know your worth.

Anne here had to go through the trouble of picking these postcards.
Taking her time to write, then go to the post office, spend money and mail them.
People like her are rare and should be cherished.

I do cherish her a lot even though we haven’t seen each other in years.
She never gets tired of sending me these cards and I would never take it for granted.

Thank you again, Anne.
Your kindness and thoughtfulness has truly made your friend’s day.