At 8:30 pm tonight,
Earth Hour will commence on my side of the world.
The campaign is about for all to turn off their lights
and consume less energy.
Just for an hour.

Now I am not going to play the “Holier-than-thou” game.
I am not going to pretend that I follow all the recycling
and energy conserving methods that my fellow scientists
and government officials have implemented.

But with my professional opinion,
I really think this Earth Hour has lots of potential.
And someday it could be more than an Hour.
Probably more like a day.

But I am not writing this as a professional.
I am here,
just as a regular guy,
asking you to give this Earth Hour a try.

Trust me. It’s not that bad.
I have lived in the Philippines.
We are used to not having electricity for hours.
That’s how I learned to play guitar.

Oh, and one more thing.

Please do not print everything you see on your computer screen.
Do you have to have a hard copy of all your emails?
Jeebus, man. Stop Printing every picture too!
Or every forwarded spam mail your friend sent you.

Stop it!
The trees are crying!
You are killing my planet!