My friend Hershey,
reminded me of this song I used to love. (And still do)

When She Cries
by Restless Heart

It wasn’t really a request,
It’s more of a “Can you do this?”

Which to me it sounded more like,
“Let’s see how you are going to butcher this one.”

And because I proclaim myself as a (copycat) musician,
that’s just exactly what I did.

I butchered this song like there was no tomorrow.
And I am proud of it.

See, I am cool like that.
Sometimes I can not even hear my playing
from the sound of how awesome I am.

Just like that time when I saved 10 kittens from a burning house.

I didn’t really have to do it.
But somebody pushed me inside.

Was there a point to all of this?

Absolutely none whatsoever.