Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category


Sunday, January 7th, 2024

It has been 9 years since my Mother passed.
As I sit here remembering her life, love, wisdom and warmth, it is impossible to ignore the void left behind by her absence.

In my opinion, losing a parent is like losing a compass that always pointed towards love and understanding.
The journey without them is very challenging.
No matter how much time has passed.

On this day

Monday, November 27th, 2023

On this day, 12 years ago… I covered this tune.

Throwback to the good ol’ days when I used to make music,

pretending I was in a band, hoping to deliver a catchy rhythm!

Forget about auto-tune and fancy gadgets;

I’m bringing you the raw, unfiltered sound of whatever I have produced here.

Have a listen, laugh, grab your snacks, mute that Zoom call

and let’s prove that even in my mind I could have been a musical sensation. Or at least, a musical something.


Monday Music Memories

Monday, March 27th, 2023

According to my “On This Day” reminder, I made this video cover 12 years ago.

I’ll Always Love You

You see, the thing about me posting old stuff is so that I can recollect what I was in my past.

Don’t get me wrong.
I hate being reminded of the shitty things that happened in my life.
Or the shitty things I have done on purpose.
This post is not about those.

It’s about the good ones. The good ones are more than welcome.

Like this Video I recorded.
It reminded me that I used to play guitar and can actually sing a complete song.

It also showed me that I read the Twilight series books,
as seen on that bookshelf behind me.
Yes! I actually read them as opposed to the other “To Read” pile of books on my GoodReads account.

Oh, and that shirt I was wearing.
I LOVE that shirt! I still have that to this day.

Sure, it may be so worn out and plagued with holes, but I still wear it.
Unlike Jacob from Twilight who refuses to wear one, but that’s beside the point.

My point from all of this is that I am old
and need to be reminded of who I was from time to time.

Like, get new shirts.
Maybe read a book.

A little piano music

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

So the Hospital won’t let me back in because visiting hours are over.

I went back to the lodge and snuck in a little piano playing by the common area.

Thought I’d share this, because I’m bored and I couldn’t annoy Natalie while she’s recovering.

It’s starting to warm up!

Thursday, March 17th, 2022

Icicles a plenty

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

Remembering Mom – 2022

Friday, January 7th, 2022

Today was as tough as when she passed on.
It really doesn’t get any easier but life goes on.

And here we are.

I miss her very dearly.

Glory and Praise

Sunday, April 5th, 2020

Jamming with the 80’s

Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Another #SundayStrumming.
This time with an 80’s classic.

I mean, who does not love the 80’s?
Good times.
Great music.
Horrible fashion.

I did a Japanese Song

Sunday, July 28th, 2019

It took me more than 30 years to have the courage to do learn this
but I did it.

Greetings! Welcome to my little corner on the net. This is just a simple collage of my life, music, thoughts, inspirations and whatever pops in my head. So whatever I do, write, say or think, hopefully will not be of any offense. Please proceed with caution.

The views expressed here does not reflect the views of my web host, my place of work, my ethnicity nor my religion.
Please read the full disclaimer before you proceed.

Now that that's out of the way.
On with the show.

Other Dens
On This Day